Froth Pump

  • Horizontal Froth Pump

    Horizontal Froth Pump

      Horizontal Centrifugal Froth Slurry Pump Description: Horizontal  froth pumps are of heavy duty construction, designed for continuous pumping of highly abrasive and corrosive frothy slurries. Its pumping operations can be plagued by froth and high viscosity problems. In the liberation of minerals from ore, the minerals are often floated through the use of strong flotation agents. Tough bubbles carry the copper, molybdenum or iron tails to be recovered and further processed. These tough...
  • BFS   Vertical Froth Slurry Pump

    BFS Vertical Froth Slurry Pump

    Name: BFS Vertical Froth Slurry Pump
    Pump Type: Vertical Centrifugal Slurry Pump
    Power: Motor
    Discharge Size: 50mm-150mm