Slurry pump accessories – slurry pump when is up and running

1) slurry pump in place before the pump inlet valve, close the pump outlet valve. And then start the pump, the pump starts slowly again to start the pump out of the mouth valve, pump outlet valve opening size and speed, should be to exceed constant current pump and motor vibration not to grasp.

2) in series with the pump start-up, also follow the above method. Just after the opening level of pump, can be at the end of the pump outlet valve is to find a little open (the size of the first pump motor current as should be a quarter of the rated current), and then can be successively started secondary level 3 until the end of the pump, series pump starts, all can be open at the end of the big stage pump outlet valve gradually, the size of the valve opening speed, should with pump vibration and not as a primary pump motors are not excess current to master.

3) slurry pump is mainly for the purpose of conveying flow, so the best mount flowmeter in running monitoring system (meter), at any time to inspect control flow is in line with the requirements; In line with cyclone system, cinder flushing system, pressure filtration dehydration system also requires export pipeline has certain pressure. So, in this kind of system should also be fitted with a pressure gauge to monitor the pressure is in line with the requirements.

4) in the operation of the slurry pump in in addition to monitor the flow, pressure, also monitor motor do not exceed the rated current of the machine. To monitor the oil seal and bearing whether anomaly occur, such as pump whether fit or overflow pool, etc., and processing at any time.

Dredging boat before construction, channel dredging pump along the excavation on both sides of the decorate a traverse control, smart control piles of each section to set up a fixed with different colored flags set about channel opening line, to ensure that the river centerline offset value does not exceed the design requirements. Control rod is installed on the cutter frame draft depth, observation and timely adjust at any time to dig deep river.

: to determine the direction of a, dredging pump excavation for the analysis in the direction of flow of dredger construction efficiency, the influence of the construction process of shun, counter-current excavation tests have been carried out respectively, the results show that the low efficiency use downstream excavation dredger, sediment concentration of about 7% 10% (volume ratio, similarly hereinafter), and current excavation efficiency is higher, sediment concentration of 10% ~ 10%, up to 17%. And in downstream excavation, due to water pressure, water dredging tube line DaWan, construction is affected by a certain; In the current excavation, line open.

B, design of slope excavation dredging pump: excavation slope 1:5, according to the technical specification for construction of dredging, adopt the super owe excavation method, the steps of the natural cave formation slope, slope ratio between close to 1:4 ~

Post time: Jul-13-2021