Lisebelisoa tsa moetsi oa pompo ea slurry: khetho ea pompo e lokela ho ela hloko eng? Ho hanana le ho bola ha maphao ke ba futsanehileng ho ba le taolo e ntle ke ka tsela e latelang: 12% Cr steels <17% Cr steel Stress corrosion Ho bola ha khatello ho bolela ho hola le ho bola ha sebakeng se tlas'a khatello e bakoang ke tšebelisano ea tikoloho. Li-steels tsa Austenitic CrNi li na le tšekamelo ea ho hatella kutu ho Cl medium. Ka litaba tsa Cl, mocheso le khatello ea maikutlo li atisa ho baka khatello ea maikutlo. Kakaretso The latelang 70 ~ 80 ℃ ntle le khatello ea kelello kutu slurry pompo moetsi. Mehato ea ho thibela kutu ea khatello ea maikutlo e phahame Ni content (Ni> 25% ~ 30%) Cr ˉ Ni austenitic steel mouth Moetsi oa pompo ea tšepe e sa tsitsang.
Corrosion and wear Ho bolela mokelikeli o phahameng ka lebelo le phahameng holim'a khoholeho ea mobu ea tšepe. Ho fapana le khoholeho ea metsi abrasive kutu le ho senyeha ho bakoang ke seaplane e na. Lisebelisoa tse fapaneng li na le kutu e fapaneng 'me ha li khone ho apara. Ho hanyetsa ho senya ho senya ka phapang pakeng tsa phetoho e ntle: ferritic austenitic - ferritic steel < austenitic steels .
Cavitation corrosion Cavitation e etsahala ha pompo e bitsoa khoholeho ea cavitation e bakoang ke ho senya . Thibela cavitation corrosion ea mokhoa o sebetsang ka ho fetisisa le o bonolo ke cavitation . Bakeng sa khafetsa ho etsahala ha o sebetsa pompo ea cavitation, e le ho qoba kutu ea cavitation, lisebelisoa tse thibelang cavitation li ka sebelisoa,moetsi oa pompo ea seretsekhauta, boronse ea phosphor, tšepe e sa hloekang, 12% ea tšepe ea chromium. Ha e le hantle, tšenyo ea ho senya hangata e bakoa ke phello e kopantsoeng ea mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea kutu , ho kopanya khetho ea khetho. Ea bobeli, lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tsa pompo le mekhoa ea khetho 1 Lisebelisoa.`
Ho na le pompo ea lisebelisoa tse ngata. Lisebelisoa tse tloaelehileng tsa tšepe ke tšepe e entsoeng ka tšepe, tšepe e entsoeng ka tšepe, 12% chromium steels, austenitic stainless steel 316L aluminium e sa hloekang joalo-joalo. Ho phaella moo ho na le thepa e phahameng ea silicon e entsoeng ka tšepe bakeng sa mecha ea litaba e senyang , № Re ⒍ st, Monel , B, Hastelloy C, 904, CD4MCu, titanium , titanium alloy.
Lik'hemik'hale tse tloaelehileng tsa lisebelisoa tsa alloy ke pompo e tloaelehileng e nang le lisebelisoa tse thusang tse se nang tšepe: Teflon , rabara ea nitrile, rabara ea chloroprene, rabara ea fluorine, rabara ea maiketsetso, ho phaella FFKM, graphite, fiber ea khalase e tletseng PTFE le tse ling tse joalo.
Nako ea poso: Jul-13-2021